Death By

May 28

By MAJ Law

Stopping a 'Death by' Prosecution before Court

Had a Police Interview? What Do You Do Next? The steps to take to try and stop a prosecution! 1. Ditch the duty solicitor! The biggest complaint by far from new clients, is that they have received little or no advice or support from the duty solicitor since being at the police station. The duty…

May 16

By MAJ Law

Causing Death By Dangerous Cycling

Causing death or serious injury by dangerous or careless cycling is set to become an offence, after the government agreed to a change in the law on Wednesday evening. The change has been said to have been long overdue, and offenders should face the same penalties as motorists who cause death or…

Apr 18

By MAJ Law

Prison Sentences for Death By Dangerous Driving

Death by Dangerous Driving Solicitors Frequently asked questions about 'death-by' offences. What happens if you're charged with causing death by dangerous driving? You're involved in a serious collision. The police are the lead agency for collision investigation and have the primary duty to…

Apr 10

By MAJ Law

Causing Death By Dangerous Driving

The average life sentence in 2024 was 16.5 years. Those released from prison after serving a 'life' sentence will spend the rest of their lives on licence (also known as 'parole' or 'probation'). Whilst on licence, you’re still serving your sentence, but you may be asked to do work that is unpaid,…