Drug Driving

Jun 4

By MAJ Law

Oct 28

By MAJ Law

Drug Driving - Your Options (video)

Marcus Johnstone is the solicitor in charge of M.A.J Law. He specialises in defending criminal motoring offences. Most of Marcus' time is spent challenging drug driving cases in Magistrates' Court across the country. 

Drug Driving Defences & Loopholes | Free Legal Advice

The importance of challenging forensic evidence in drug driving cases In 2015, a new offence was created making it unlawful to drive whilst over a specified drug limit. One of the most important pieces of evidence in any drug driving case is the Streamlined Forensic Toxicology Report, also known as…

Appeal a Randox Drug Driving Conviction

Almost 500 drug driving toxicology results are under review following claims that Randox Testing Services manipulated test results. Randox Testing Services said the manipulation was of quality control data supporting the test results, rather than the samples themselves. Two staff members have been…